Frequently Asked Questions
. What should I bring on the first day?
-indoor shoes
-extra clothing
-diaper and wipes if required
-lunch & snacks
2. What kind of lunch should I bring for my child?
-Please follow the Canada food guide.
-please limit sweet treats
eg. Chocolate bars fruit snacks candy
3. Do we toilet teach?
- Yes we do .
- please bring a lot of extra clothes
4. What is the User fee?
- It is a portion of the daily fee that Provincial Subsidy does not cover.
5. Where can we park? -if our lot is full, please park on 26th Street or Park Avenue. Please do not park in our neighbours parking lots
6. What should I do when dropping off my child at Daycare?
- Please take your child to their locker to help them remove their outside clothing.
- please take your child to their designated room
7. Do you transport children to Kindergarten?
-We walk children to Kindergarten at JR Reid school.
If your child goes to a different school, it is your responsibility to find transportation to get your child to and from school