Parent Information
Any child suspected of having a communicable disease must be removed from the Centre immediately. At the discretion of the Director, a physician’s note may be required for readmission into the centre. This is to ensure the health of the other children. We ask that your child does not attend Daycare if they are unable to participate fully in all activities of the day. This includes going outside.
Any child, who is sick and unable to actively participate in our program, should not attend on that day. Please phone and notify the staff of your child's illness so that staff members can watch for symptoms in the other children.
If your child should become ill during the day you will be notified by a staff member to make arrangements to have your child picked up. Any decision to send home a child during the day will be based on the general condition, appearance, activity level, and symptoms displayed by the child:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Temperature over 100F (38C)
- Undiagnosed rash or sores that may be communicable
- Severe upper respiratory infection such as cough, yellow-green nasal discharge.
- Pink Eye
- Head lice
- Impetigo
- Strep throat
Please keep your children home for 48 hours to ensure your child is symptom free without medication.
Please see link below for more information on communicable diseases/illness.
Public health illness guidelines
Common Questions and Answers
We are finding that there may be some confusion as to when children can and can not attend the centre with symptoms of illness. This is resulting in children attending the centre when they are sick and unwell, and we are finding a huge increase in illness in both children and staff. Please review our policies on illness and the Q&A we have created.
My child has a cold can they attend?
Any child with 2 or more symptoms will be sent home. They can only return when their cold is gone. Sometimes a lingering cough can occur for weeks after BUT the cough and/or runny nose should be almost nonexistent before they can return with out medication. You MUST talk to the MMLC staff about your child’s symptoms before returning as we will work with families on a case by case basis regarding the child’s return. Please be mindful that a cold can last a week or two and sometimes we can have up and down days while our bodies fight the virus.
My child only has a cough can they attend?
Yes, as long as there are no other symptoms and they are able to fully participate in all activities.
I think it’s allergies, can they attend?
Yes your child can attend with allergy symptoms as long as they are manageable.
My child might have or has asthma:
You would need to have testing done with your family doctor and if an asthma diagnosis has been given then you must complete all URIS forms at the Centre through public health. Your child will need to bring their prescription labeled inhaler and air chamber to the Centre.
My child has a runny nose only, can they attend?
Yes they can attend if no other symptoms are present and they are able to participate in all activities.
My child had a fever when can they return?
They must be fever free without the use of medication for 48 hours prior to returning.
My child vomited, when can they return?
The child must be vomit free for 48 hours and eating normally, keeping food down, before they can return.
My child had diarrhea, when can they return?
They must be 48 hours diarrhea free before returning
My child was fine at home, why are you calling for pick up?
Sometimes children’s symptoms can worsen when they are active. The environment here is very different then at home. At home where your child can rest and take it easy and are not on the go in the same manner as they are in a child care setting.
Before calling staff will do the following and monitor for improvement:
wait 30 minutes after we have been outside to see if symptoms clear up
offer water to see if symptoms are eliminated
administer any prescribed puffers if diagnosed with asthma and monitor for improvement
adjust the position of a sleeping child or have them sit up to have some water
My doctor said my child can go to daycare….
A doctors note does not supersede policies in place and all policies need to be respected and followed. A doctors note may be requested by the child care facility if we have concerns of communicable disease.
My child has pink eye when can they return?
We suggest you monitor and test for covid as it is on the list of symptoms, however a child can return after using eye drops for 24 hours. Please see a doctor as there are many kinds of eye infections and you may need prescription eye drops.
Why do I need to do the daily screening? (NOT REQUIRED AT THIS TIME)
This allows us to monitor illness and ensure children are not attending the Centre with the onset of new symptoms. We continue to be cautious to ensure a safe environment as covid 19 is still present. We are now starting to see people get covid for a second time so it is important that you still screen and test as needed. Most pharmacies have free testing kits available. When children at our Centre do get covid, they must be 100% symptom free before returning. When we know of positive cases this allows us to notify others so they can be more mindful of even mild symptoms that might show up in their children. We have seen positive cases with only a slight runny nose or a fever. Mild symptoms in one can be more severe in others.
Positive Case of Covid 19:
Children and staff are to remain home if they have tested positive for covid 19. Children and staff can return on the 6th day after a positive test result if their symptoms have subsided and they no longer have a fever and can fully participate in the program. This means your child should be symptom free prior to returning. If there is a positive case in the home families are encouraged to follow public health recommendations. Children can continue to attend the childcare facility. If you have covid do not drop off or pick up your child.
In the event that the Centre has to close due to staff illness and the inability to maintain ratio, all families will be required to pay child care fees for any time period we close until enough staff can return to work. We will do our best to continue operations and this might mean operating on reduced hours with minimal notice.